Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Winds Of Change Are Blowing 1/3/2021

 Good Morning,

I started my Sunday morning winter ritual like I always do. The fireplace is heating the house. Soft music is playing in the den where I sit and a hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee is next to me. The coffee is a sheer delight today. 

Next month I will turn 64 years old and I have to say I have had a good life. There have been ups and there have been downs. I have been blessed and corrected by God. Through everything that I have been through He has been at my side and at times carried me. God has used me in roles I never dreamed of. For instance, if you told me that I would be writing a daily blog of inspiration twenty years ago I would have had a big laugh on that one. Every year I assess my role in our church and ask God what He has in store for me. He hasn't spoken clearly yet on that subject. But I do believe the winds of change are blowing and in 2021 there will be some change to what I am doing. 

But I can assure you this one thing. God is not done with me yet. He has plans for me and I need to wait on Him. I make no moves without His guidance. None whatsoever! 

I don't want this blog today to really have you all wondering what it will be, because I don't know myself. My point for you is for me to share that no matter the age, we can still be used by God. No one really retires from service as long as they remain moldable, teachable and flexible. Back in 1981 I promised God that I would serve Him. I have worn the many hats He has given me to wear. Can you believe that at one time I led the music in church? Picture that! Rene and I took a year away from youth work to start a Bible study with Senior Citizens when we were married for about a year. Two young folks leading the seniors? The first time I ever preached a message was in a garbage dump in the Dominican Republic in the middle of a storm. Talk about fire and brimstone. I preached and God provided the lightening. 

But as I was studying this morning, my studies took me to a passage that assures me that God is not done with me until He calls me home.

Isaiah 64:8 Yet you, Lord are our Father. we are the clay, you are the Potter; We are the work of your hand.

Just remember my friends that with God all things are possible and He holds the keys to your future. If you ask Him what you can do for his kingdom, He will show you. The Potter's hands are on the clay of this old guy.  The picture featured today if of two pottery candle holders. The set was made for me as a gift by a third grader in Peru. Her hands were used at that age to make things of beauty. The lace was made by her older sister. 

God bless,
