Friday, January 29, 2021

Cleaning Up A Spill. 1/29/2021

 Good Morning,

Not much time is left until I leave for work so my Door County Turtles In A Cup Coffee is going to travel with me. But for mow it is time to write.

Proverbs 28:13 Whoever conceals his transgressions, will not prosper. But he who forsakes them will prosper.

Have you ever watched a glass of sweet iced tea get bumped and then proceed to spill out all over the table. It then finds the edge of the table, which leads to the floor, splashes a wall, and then runs under the refrigerator. In order to properly clean up the mess, you might need to move the refrigerator, wipe down the legs of the chair, and look closely to see where else the messy, sticky liquid has hidden itself. If not cleaned up properly the sweet liquid might eventually attract ants. Let's change liquids and make it a big glass of cold milk. Spilled milk that doesn't get mopped up might begin to smell and leaves the kitchen with a foul odor. 

Point for the day. When we hold back on removing the sins in our lives that we like to keep, we leave the stain of sin hidden, most likely to show itself sooner or later leaving an attractant to other sin, or just puts a foul smell into our lives. 

I know this was a poor analogy. Friends when we clean up the sin in our life, there is no reason to hang on to some of it. We need to ask ourselves, do we keep that sin in our lives because we like it?

Time to clean up the spills! And look under the frig and the table.  


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