Saturday, January 16, 2021

Don't Overlook A Diamond 1/16/2021

 Good Morning,

Saturday it is and it is time to write as I sip easily on a very hot cup of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee. 

Today I want to talk about not judging everyone according to some preset standards that are to be a fit for everyone. Those of you who might be in a position to hire people often rely on a standard set of questions given to you to use. Working at a large medical center many years ago I often watched the loading dock/delivery person bring things to my office that were ordered for our department. He was dressed neatly, and was very personable. The department I ran was a department with skilled positions. Now they were not medical positions so I had some freedom to try a few more things than other departments could. This man always straightened his delivery or stacked things in a orderly fashion. He always was polite in his greetings and worked efficiently. 

1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, " Do not look look on his appearance nor the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as a man sees: Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

I had an open position and it wasn't being filled all that quickly. I reached out to this steady delivery man and asked him to come into my office. My question was point blank. "Why haven't you ever approached me for a job in this department?' His response was just what I expected. "I could never do what these people do." I fired right back and said, "Not right now you can't. But I would be willing to train you and our company pays for schooling. You could be making a lot more money even starting at the lowest pay grade in this department. I like your work ethic and I that ethic will carry you a long way." He said he would think about it and the very next day he was in my office to let me know he had applied for the job.  I did weather some resistance from Human Resources, my boss, and a few within the department itself. The man hired on and was a human sponge soaking up knowledge. He enrolled in night school and soon there after I left the medical center for a promotion I received. 

I had business to attend to one day and it took me to the old medical center. I wasn't surprised to hear that this man had completed school, received a promotion, and was enrolled in more classes. I found a diamond in the rough. He did very well for himself and is still doing so. 

My point is this. In some fields certain education is required as a condition of hiring by law. But you can still look at the potential employee beyond appearances and try to see the heart. Don't be fooled by appearances. In doing so many a person lived to regret that mistake. They passed on a diamond in the rough. 

Have a great day.


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