Tuesday, January 5, 2021

That's Amore 1/5/2020

 Good Morning,

The last couple of days have been a short respite for me and much appreciated.  I am waiting for the Door County Highlander Grog Coffee to finish brewing. I will drink the coffee in the car while I drive to my appointment for the day and munch on some orange slices. Mix in some Gospel Music and I would say that I have found a great way to wake up. 

1 Corinthians 16:14 Do everything in love.

I do a lot of the grocery shopping and you can observe a lot of things about people while you shop. I was watching a lady and her five children yesterday evening as I shopped. Since they called her mom, my assumption that they were her kids was true. I think in the middle of the brood was a set of twins and the oldest was about 8 or 9 years old. The youngest was sitting in the cart while three held onto it and the oldest boy was helping retrieve grocery items for mom as she read off of her list. I came into the checkout line and there was the "Family Five" standing by their cart. Mom had just pulled out a large super sized candy bar from one of the bags and was telling the children how proud she was of their behavior in the store. I must say for a family of five youngsters they were really well behaved. She broke the candy bar into five equal pieces and handed one out to each of the kids one at a time. She started with the baby and worked her way up to the oldest. 

That baby gobbled that piece of chocolate up like a whirlwind.  He had a big smile on his face and was looking at his older brother and his piece of candy bar with puppy eyes that were saying "more please"!

Then the older brother broke his piece into two pieces and gave one to the baby. The baby smiled at him and the older brother patted him on the head. Now if that isn't love then the oceans are dry. 

While driving home my music mix playing in my truck started up a new song. A song I am quite fond of. That's Amore sung by Dean Martin just topped off my day. The bond between two brothers was amore at it's best. One sacrificed half of  his portion of the candy bar to please the little one. 

Friends, what are you willing to share with someone today and experience sacrificial love at it's best?


"That's Amore" is a 1953 song by composer Harry Warren and lyricist Jack Brooks. It became a major hit and signature song for Dean Martin in 1953. Amore (pronounced [aˈmoːre]) means "love" in Italian

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