Saturday, January 23, 2021

If It Were Easy 1/23/2021

 Good Morning,

Happy Saturday to all and may the peace of God be yours today. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Black and Tan Coffee for myself.  A little earlier I removed some freshly baked rolls from the oven and between the coffee and the rolls, this place smells great. Now it is time to write

I want to talk about something today that many of us struggle with from time to time and that is the moment we know we are wrong in a given situation and have to swallow our pride to admit it, possibly confess it or make it right.

Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before the fall. 

2 Timothy 2:23 Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies ; you know they breed quarrels. 

You know that feeling, that comes over us when no matter how we justify, argue or dig in, we were just plain old wrong and have to admit. The feeling starts in your gut, moves to your head changing that nice pink flesh tone you own to a paint chart of reds to choose from. 

Most people find it is harder to admit your wrong to those closest to you. I believe it is because you see that person more often and you care about their opinion of you, and they just might remind you of the times you were wrong later. If you voiced an opinion or did something wrong to a stranger admitting your wrong to someone you very seldom see is easier to do. Although they know you are wrong their opinion isn't valued enough to make you embarrassed enough to stay red in the face for much longer than a few minutes. 

Too often the desire to be right all the time leads us to the point of not wanting to admit it and that's when we turn into the president of our own debate team. We begin to go from embarrassed to angry, interjecting the word but into the debate so often we sound like a small motor boat. But, but, but.

Swallowing our pride is never easy, but the sooner it is done, the sooner we can leave the quicksand of folly we landed in because of our pride. 

So today if you are opinionizing, debating, or arguing, and the epiphany occurs that sheds light on the fact you are wrong, admit it, move on and seek to live peacefully with others. 

Have a great day. By the way, this is not open for debate!! LOL


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