Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Driving In The Snow Storm 1/27/2021

 Good Morning,

Another morning arrived and I am glad to be here. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha and soon I will be heading out of the door.

Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to ruin.

Yesterday morning my commute to a clinic where I was working took me 23 miles from home in a rough snow storm. There was on vehicle spin out that started when the person behind me pulled into the next lane to pass me. I guess I wasn't traveling fast enough for his taste. His lane change took him into the freeway wall on the right and then his little sports car came back across the lanes. His path was headed at me and one other vehicle. We missed a crash y just a foot or two. It was very close. 

I chalked the incident up to a few things. 1 the roads were really bad. they were slippery beyond slippery. The snow hadn't been plowed yet. The driver was definitely traveling too fast for conditions, It could be possible that he was new to the area and did not know how to drive in snow. Anyway two of us were spared any damage or dirty underwear. The hasty traveler did not do so well. His car bounced off the wall and actually spun to the backside to match the front and then rested on a guard rail that bent pretty well,

I can't judge if his rush was so legitimate that he needed to drive like he was on a dry track at Daytona or not. All I know is this. The high speed for the conditions, the wrong car for the conditions were too much for his day to survive a hurried drive. 

The point of the day is to take the storm and the driving into consideration. When we hurry through anything we are likely to make a careless mistake. We need to plan ahead if possible and give what needs to be done the proper time and attention it requires.

Rushing only adds to the frustration of an already rough day.


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