Thursday, January 28, 2021

Keeping Your Drawers To Yourself 1/28/2021

 Good Morning,

This week reached Thursday and what a day it will be. Busy, busy, busy. I needed to warm up fast this morning and my cup of Door County Turtles In A Cup is doing a great job and bringing the dead back to life.

Proverbs 20:19 Whoever goes about slandering, reveals secrets, therefore do not associate with a simple babbler. 

My mother used an expression now and then usually when she was addressing me. "Keep your dirty laundry to yourself. Or no need to air your laundry in public" 

I have included a definition on this quote. If you say that someone airs their dirty laundry in public, you disapprove of their discussing or arguing about unpleasant or private things in front of other people.

Mom always objected to public arguments and often said that to do so brings shame on the family or yourself. She said "most arguments should be kept private". 

I tend to agree with her. All too often there is the temptation to take a private argument and make it public just to gain support for a personal opinion or to gain folks on one side of the argument or the other. Others might choose to bad mouth a spouse out of anger. The listener then forms an opinion of the dis-functional spouse which probably is only a snapshot of the life of the accused sluggard. It really isn't a fait portrayal of the whole person. So when we air our laundry in public, opinions are formed on a moment in time , not on the lifetime the accused person. 

So friends, we all have disagreements that are personal. Do they belong on social media or at the office water cooler as fodder for donut time? Think before you speak. Is this private? In my sharing, am I hurting anyone? If the answer is yes. Best to leave it private.

Have a blessed day.


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