Wednesday, February 14, 2024

When The Phone Rings, Try This 2/14/2024

 Good Morning,

I will be heading out to the garage soon and I will be on my way for work. I have about a three hour drive to get where I am needed. So my Thermos bottle was filled with Door County Coconut Caramel Coffee and my pockets filled with hope. 

Proverbs 18:2 A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. 

For many of us our home telephones and our cellular phones have caller ID features. This allows us to screen our calls as needed and block nuisance calls. We also can answer those callers who we will want to speak with. Sometimes the calls are ones we have to take, but don't want to.

Here is what I do. I prepare my heart and mind to take those calls. I don't answer the phone right away. I take time to pray for wisdom and the correct words I will need to handle the conversation with the caller. Before I call back, my emotional and wisdom gas tanks are filled to the brim. During the conversation I will listen intently, yet be praying at the same time. I only give the answers God wants me to deliver. If someone is stating a problem that includes me, I listen very closely and before I respond , I repeat what they said to me and ask if this is how they understand the issue. If we agree on what was said, I might not answer right away and I will ask for time to pray and think. I will agree to the time the issue needs to be discussed and I will make sure I am available. 

Sometimes people call for advice. I also will ask for us to pray before we continue or ask to hear what the problem really is. Once I have a grasp of the problem, I like to ask for more time in prayer and  I ask God to share His thoughts and I check my answer with Scripture. If my answer is not Scripturally sound, I know for sure my answer is not the correct one. Never rush to an answer, wait, and prepare.

God bless,


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