Sunday, April 10, 2022

When You Defile Yourself With Your Mouth 4/10/2022

 Good Morning,

I am so glad to be in a warm house and to be able to eat some bacon and eggs this morning. As I write I a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee is on my desk and keeping me warm. My heart and prayers are with those displaced by war and currently battling to defend their freedom. 

This is a tough one to write today but I know it is time for this reminder. We often wonder why prayers are not answered. Now every answer to prayer from God always is answered with a yes, no, or wait. God answers in His time and the way He wants to answer. We desire our needs and wants and as children of God we expect to be lavished with our requests from God. We even pray for changes within others and it seems like nothing happens. 

I do not believe in 'Pray It Claim It". But I do believe that when I pray I should say. "Your will be done Lord" I should trust that God knows best and will honor my prayers according to His thoughts and desires for me. 

Now here comes the hard part. Have you ever wondered if your own mouth keeps you from peace and being blessed? We claim to be a child of the King yet what comes out of our mouths just plain and simple can be called rude, crude and wrong. Our mouths that we praise God with are turned into sewer pits of filth and disgust. 

Matthew 15:11 It is not what goes into your mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of a mouth. this is what defiles a person. 

In recent years it has become a preferred method of discipline with children to have them take a "time out and sit in a corner. reflecting on their behavior instead of a good spanking. It could be that God has placed you in a time out until you straighten up and fly right, not just pretending to be a child of His. If before you claimed to be a Christian and you spoke like a drunken fool and yet you still are the same way, you have lied to yourself. A wise old pastor once said, "If you is where you was, maybe you ain't."

Colossians 1:10 So that you may live a life worthy of of the Lord and please Him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.

Colossians 2:6 As you therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him. 

We should never be quick to point out the faults of others before we clean up the mouth of our own face. We need to set the example for Godly living through our actions and speech.

If this is you today,  and these words have not sunk in. You might want to go back to the beginning and say. Dear Lord, I need a Savior and invite Him in for a life change. Cause just maybe "You Ain't". 

God bless,


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