Sunday, April 3, 2022

Bachelor Time For A Few Days 4/3/2022

 Good Morning,

The fire in the hearth is a good one this morning and much needed. The dampness is really doing a job on the temperature in the house. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and I am ready to write. 

Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.

My wife Rene is 62 miles away taking care of her mother for a few days and I am living the life of a bachelor. Our two dogs are a little confused as to what is going on, because the lady who gives them their treats at night is not here.

I thought this would be simple to do for a few days but I am finding out that I never really knew just what Rene does all the time. For instance, when the dogs go out to run in our soupy back yard and track mud in to the house, I now know what the Swiffer is for. 

I thought I would take some of this "couple down time" and start a wood refinishing job yesterday. I was working diligently in the garage and the project is off to a good start. But something was a wee bit off. While working I felt like something was missing. It dawned on me that no one came out to the garage with a cup of hot chocolate for me or checked on me to see how it was going. I had to stop what I was doing to get my own hot drink. 

Last night I decided to read and study before bed, which is pretty routine for me. I ended up turning on the television just for back ground noise. I had enough silence for the day. 

For dinner I made myself a salad that contained meat, onions, hot peppers, radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers with extra hot peppers and minced garlic, and no one complained that my salad was smelling up the house. No one reminded me that eating that combination my light me up later with enough heartburn for five people. 

So what I guess I am saying is that I am much happier married than I would be living "the life of a bachelor." It won't be long before I am talking to myself. 

Today, I will tackle some monster in the basement know as a "washing machine". A bachelor's work is never done.

God bless,


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