Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter Sunday Time For Some Eggs 4/17/2022

 Good Morning,

I am up and at it this morning with a hot cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee at my side and a prayer in my heart. 

Leviticus 19:32 You shall stand up before the gray head and honor the face of an old man. And you shall fear your God. I am the Lord. 

This is the second Easter in a 1001 years of marriage that my wife Rene and I are not together. Rene is on a mission of love, caring for her mother and won't be home until tonight. So me and our two dogs are outside this morning enjoying some quiet, crisp air. I will go inside soon and cook some eggs for the three of us and prepare to go to church. 

I look forward to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with others as I have done for 65 years. The first few years I don't recall at all but I was there. My thoughts today turn to the empty tomb encountered by the female friends of Jesus as they went to finish His burial. What a thought! They saw Him tortured, die and be buried. Now they were going to the tomb, unescorted by men, to perform a job that at the least would be gruesome. They went to perform this task, out of love, respect and duty. 

Let's ponder that for a moment. They were showing their love for God in doing so. No one was there to cheer them on, say thank you, or give them a pat on the back. They were headed to the unknown. A heavy stone would need to be moved and the Roman Guards were to be feared also. But they went!

Today, many folks will take time this holiday to stop at a nursing home to spend a little time with grandma or grandpa, mom or dad. Easter will be celebrated by families large and small so that these loved ones will not feel forgotten. Pictures and videos will be recorded today and then tomorrow life will be uneventful once more. Easter will make many people feel like they made good on a commitment to their loved ones. Others will see the Easter Basket made for our loved ones, or a new blanket given, or a lily brought to the bedside. But what about tomorrow? The day without all the pomp and circumstance. Will you be there to rub some ninety year old feet with lotion when no one else is around to witness it? I miss my wife for sure, but I believe she and her brother have discovered what Easter is all about. It is about the sacrifice of love Jesus performed on our behalf. We weren't there that day. But our sins represented us. Jesus did what He did it out of love for us.  Today is a great day to show love for others. But what about tomorrow?

Food thought. 


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