Thursday, April 21, 2022

Listening To The Wind And The Rain 4/21/2022

 Good Morning,

This day was greeted with gusto and a hot mug of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee and some prayer. 

Last night we had a steady rain come down. It did not rain all that hard but, strong winds kept blowing the rain against the house making it sound worse than it was. It lasted most of the night and I will repeat myself, "It sounded worse than it was". The wind was making sure that it was heard for sure last night.

Since it woke me up a couple of times I actually gave the wind a little thought, The wind reminded me of some people who given a little irritation can blow a situation all out of proportion and definitely make things worse. Anger is one way that a person can accelerate a problem into a major mess. Like the wind which can blow hard and toss a boat around so can a person who likes to inflate issues into a hot mess. Once the anger hits the scene you never know what collateral damage that hot air will do. 

Another way to add to a mess is to have what you perceive as a perfect memory which in a moment can dredge up old memories and use them to fuel the anger, Thus blowing the mess out of proportion even further. This perfect mind that you posses tends to hide your imperfections and wrong doings. So it really isn't a perfect mind. 

Last but not least, is ego and pride. Bring them to the table of disagreement and you will find that you think every little thing has to go your way and you lose if it doesn't . Pride will make you only see what impacts you and not what might be the root cause of a disagreement. Every disagreement has two parties. Pride and ego will keep you from seeing your own faults, thus adding fuel to the fire which can become a raging inferno. 

Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction. And a haughty spirit before a fall.

Isaiah 43:18 Remember not the former things, and nor consider the things of old.

Proverbs 19:11 Good sense makes one slow to anger. and it his glory to overlook an offense.

Here is some real food for thought.


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