Friday, April 15, 2022

Mind Games. God Warns Us Against Them 4/15/2022

 Good Morning,

My day began with prayer and is headed toward a little work after I finish my thoughts and a cup of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee. 

Everyone owns their own set of emotions and everyone is just a little different than the next person. I am blessed to be married to a woman who thinks a lot like I do. People often test one another in relationships to suit their own needs. Rene knows that on any given day if I would be purposely tested the result will end in failure. For instance, convincing me that watching a chick flick on the Hallmark Channel is good for me and will make me more sensitive will usually result in me snoring through the movie or telling her just how it will end. The best one is the girl who finds out that the gardener is actually a prince from Kukamunga and she ends up with him after the queen does everything she can to stop the relationship. I submit questions like, "Where is this country? How many single princes are in this world? How come it never ends in the fact that they just can't get married"? I will make some popcorn for both of us. But don't think that having me watch a Hallmark movie will sensitize me. 

So I fail the test. I am also one who does not like surprises that make me think or respond in a way that is not natural for me. Rene and I are both straight shooters and I like it that way. We both know where we stand with each other and that way it is easy to be on solid ground and stay there. I know better than to plan a vacation in areas I like to hunt and then say "hey hon we can do us things when I get in from the field". Yes Rene wants to vacation in South Dakota but not in the middle of a corn field waiting for me to finish pheasant hunting. 

Here are some Biblical rules for those who like to play mind games.

Luke 6:31 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 

Matthew 7:3 Why do you point out the speck in another person's eye and ignore the log in your own?

Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing from, self ambition or conceit, but in humility, count others more significant than yourselves. 4. Let each of you not only look to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 

These three verses lay the ground work for honest and open relationships, Never put another person to the test of your mind. It is a 50/50 chance that they will fail. Worse yet. "You Lose".

Have a great day,


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