Thursday, April 28, 2022

If You Are Happy And You Know It 4/28/2022

 Good Morning,

I will enjoy today in a great way. I will be seeing some old friends at work today and that is always a highlight for me when that happens. I am off and running again this morning. My choice to fill my cup is Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and it is time to write.

Ecclesiastes 7:14 In the day of prosperity be joyful and in the day of adversity, consider. God has made the one as well as the other. 

There is an old song that our teachers would make us sing in grade school a thousand years ago. It was one of those songs that accelerated in tempo and you had to remember things. To be honest it drove me nuts. One part of the song stayed with me all these years. You would sing, "If you're happy and you know then your face will surely show it". 

Well, if you are happy, you should know it. !!! If you are happy your face usually shows it!!!! So here's my thought for today. Many people choose not to be happy and they really don't know what would make them happy. These people sound like old outboard motors. You can say to them "hey great weather". And it just might be great weather. Then they reply "Ya, but it snowed last week" . Well it's not snowing now so what's the Ya But Ya But Ya But Ya But goes the old boat motor. They always go negative on you.

People like that have improved my health. Once they start unloading their unrighteous unhappiness I am late for the door. I sprint for it like an Olympic runner, which my doctor says is good for me!

There are definitely times of sorrow and true unhappiness, and I will be as compassionate and helpful as I can to anyone.  We should all strive to find some good in our day and enjoy it, even if it only lasts a moment or two. I listened to someone complain that their roast beef wasn't hot enough on their dinner plate. I for one didn't mind warming it up a little, but I was just happy to have a plate of roast beef!

It's called "Counting Your Blessings." Then recognize where and Who they came from. And last but not least, enjoy the happiness while you can. 


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