Saturday, July 17, 2021

Sitting On The Dock 7/17/21

 Good Morning,

I am up and at it very early today and I am glad to embrace the morning with a cup of Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee and prayer. 

 5:12-13 We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, 13. and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves. 

Over the last few days I have been able to meet with three of our four church pastors to just discuss ministry ideas and share thoughts. It has been a pleasure to do so and get some heart to heart time. 

Yesterday I was able to sit dockside on a river channel with one of our pastors and drink some lemonade and iced tea. For me it was a perfect setting to be outside near the water, with a nice breeze blowing on our table. We talked about a lot of things including how I found this place of respite.

I tend to go places that are out of the way and different. You will very seldom if ever find me at a chain restaurant or ice cream emporium. I like to go down the road less traveled. I like to share those places with others or the things they produce. Chain bakeries will just not do for me. I was amazed when one of our pastors wanted to meet at a national chain restaurant for breakfast. In all honesty it was close to our church, but I had to ask him where it was. 

Here is my point. I have enjoyed this time immensely, and these guys, as we shared our hearts. I have one more to partake in this morning. I now know how to pray for them, assist if I can, and share my thoughts. I also know that this needs to be done more often and I should have been doing this all along. We might not agree all the time, but to know each other better is to love each other easier. 

So if you have the opportunity, ask to have a coffee or a donut with you pastors. Ask how you can help or get involved and how you should pray for them. You will find that this is a road less traveled by many. I enjoyed that road! And I am in four wheel drive. 

God bless,


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