Saturday, July 10, 2021

Ladies First 7/10/2021

Good Morning,

I could hear the coffee brewing in the kitchen and the aroma drew me to the computer and a hot cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha. I am more than ready to write.

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 

Today I might touch a nerve with a few people. My big boy pants are on and ready to take a few shots. Yesterday I had the privilege to join my buddy in sending off our Youth Group from church for a short trip to a Christian music concert. This buddy and myself did youth work together for many years. We know the importance of the kids and the youth pastor knowing that they are supported and prayed for. So we showed up just before they left and prayed for them, wished them well and promised to keep them in prayer for safe travels and a time of great spiritual renewal. 

We also, shared with them what our four rules for travel or youth functions were back in the day.

1. Pray always.

2. Never be alone.

3.  Remember who you represent. God and our church  

4. Ladies First. You should have seen the looks on the faces of the girls. Puzzled at least. 

Back some years ago when we introduced the Ladies First Concept we received some back talk and guff from the girls and the boys. If you know me, my wife and my buddy, you probably know that the remarks and guff went in one ear and out of the other. That was just the way it was going to be. I know that women can open their own doors, but I am old school and believe in chivalry and treating a lady like a lady. 

I recall one short term mission trip when food for our team was scarce at best. Whatever was served went to the girls/women first. They ate a full plate at each meal. I did caution them to eat everything on their plate, and only take what they knew they could eat. At best when the guys were able to grab some food, there was maybe a teaspoon of rice for each guy. We were performing hard labor on this trip in excessive heat. This went on only for two days and not one boy/man let on that they were hungry, nor did they complain. Not one!. In the next day we were relieved to actually stop the mission trip and rest in a resort with food galore. Before we went to dine at a buffet, we prayed, and I said to the team. Let's change it up. Let's have the guys go first tonight. Two of the girls were quick to say "What about ladies first"? The female leader that was with us told the boys to go ahead, it was then that she shared with the ladies that the boys had gone without to make sure the girls had enough to eat. I saw an immediate change within the team. When the guys were going to return their plates to the dirty dish area, the girls volunteered to take their plates and asked if they needed anything more from the buffet. The boys actually thanked the girls. 

It was said to me that the more valuable lesson would have been to have them equally divide the food and share. That could serve some purpose too. But the lesson learned this way, was to sacrifice for one another, putting others before yourself, and then to be kind at all times. I know those girls never forgot the kindness, and the boys felt more like men. 

So today, be kind, be loving and if at all possible "Ladies First" 
