Monday, September 9, 2019

One Man Band 9/9/2019

Good Morning,

Monday arrived and it came right on time. There was no slowing it down or stopping it from showing up. My day will begin with a cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and some prayer. It's a great combination.

There are times for all of us when we feel like we are a one man band trying to keep the world amused, entertained, and spinning on it's axis. No one seems to be listening or willing to lend anymore than lip service advice. They see us as the complaint department for everything. My mother used to say "if you are looking for a helping hand, always look at the end of your own arm first".

I have a friend going through a rough time right now bailing out of problems that others should own. We are here to help others that is for sure, but there comes a time when you aren't helping anymore but are enabling bad choices and laziness to set in. If you solve all the problems for others they avoid going to God who not only assists with problems but leads us to examine the problem to see if we are the cause. He corrects us to right our wrong choices and avoid mistakes in the future.

Many issues or problems are self induced and at times a cry for attention. If I give you a fish, you eat fish for a day. If I teach you to fish, you dine well for life. People who repeatedly have relationship issues sooner or later have to look inside to see if their expectation of relationships is in focus with reality. These people tend to be dominating of your time with no regards for your personal life.

Lev. 25:25If a fellow countryman of yours becomes so poor he has to sell part of his property, then his nearest kinsman is to come and buy back what his relative has soldBut if he has not found sufficient means to get it back for himself, then what he has sold shall remain in the hands of its purchaser until the year of jubilee; but at the jubilee it shall revert, that he may return to his property

Friends, we are not to become a one man band, attempting to solve the problems of all those who call.  Know your limits. Consult with God in the moment before you speak with those who are looking for you to solve their problems. Ask, this. "What are you doing to solve this issue?" If their answer was just to call you. Lead them to pray even if it is an immediate need. Have them call on God to direct them and you. Bring God on the scene. A one man band is nice, but a full orchestra has more potential for success. Let God be the conductor and follow His directions. If those requesting your time won't wait on God and become more demanding on you, it is apparent that they will be needing a lot of your time. Set a solid date of limitations on how long you can help. If they don't meet the standard of the limitations and their duties to help, call off the help until they start doing their part. If they do heed your words and are making progress ask God how long He wants you to keep helping. It is always best to listen to Him even on schedules and limitations. God went to great lengths to help others in Scripture and we are also to do this. But we should always lead people in trouble to go to God as well. Do not perpetuate the problem by "over helping"

Help yes. Carry burdens yes, But teach others to succeed with your help and God's plan. And soon they will be helping others.
