Monday, September 2, 2019

Missed Hunting With The Guys 9/2/2019

Good Morning,

I am writing a little later today, and even though it is late my mug of Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee is tasting mighty good today.

This morning I was supposed to be out hunting geese with my buddies. I had every intention on being there. The truck is still packed with my hunting gear, minus the gun. The blinds and decoys are in there ready to go,, the license was purchased and signed. The dog equipment is sitting on the counter for an early morning escape to the field. But it didn't happen. Somewhere along the way I picked up a stomach flu bug that has lasted for three days. Last night was the worst including a fever.

Isaiah 55: 8-9

8. My plans are not your plans, nor are your ways my ways says the Lord.
9. Just as heaven is higher than the Earth, So are my ways higher than your ways.

It was pure misery having to text my pals and say I wasn't going to make it. I managed to get the two dogs out for a short time in the yard at 3:15 AM but then it was back to bed. Please, please , please no sympathy needed here or is it desired.

God gave me my better half to keep me in line. Rene hasn't said much about me being ill. She calmly said, "Well your plans weren't God's plans. I have been telling you that you are burning the candle at both ends and you need some rest. I prayed that you would get some rest. I guess God answered that prayer. You are not going anywhere and rest you will do." I had to admit that she was correct and the proof is in the bad stomach. So for this week I have to live off of pictures that the guys will post later. And until then I can relive some memories of past hunts. I prayed for them and truly hope they do well.

Friends, we have to accept that God knows what is best for us and I have never been this tired as much as I have been in the last three weeks. He sent me a warning sign by making me fall asleep while  reading the news paper the other day. That is something that never happens. I ignored it and moved on to something else to do.

We have  an internal clock that lets us know when we should rest. If we ignore it there are consequences or corrections that need to be made. God's plans and thoughts are not always ours and we need to be aware of the fact that if He doesn't like ours He can and will correct them.

Always learning the hard way.


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