Saturday, September 21, 2019

Putting Away The Patio Furniture 9/21/2019

Good Morning,

Saturday it is and that's fine with me. This first week of retirement has me wishing I was still working. It hasn't been what it is cracked up to be just yet. I just filled my Thermos bottle with Door County Caramel Apple Coffee, prayed and not it is time to write. I will be hunting somewhere today!

Yesterday I took full advantage of the great weather to split the last of the firewood for next year, and then started to clean the garage. Cleaning the garage lent itself to hauling in the patio furniture and putting it away until next spring. In other words, as nice as it was outside I know for sure that it won't be long until raking leaves will be the chore of the day. Turning over the soil in the vegetable garden will be a task that comes in mid October.

What I am trying to say is that the nice weather now, however enjoyable that it is, will change and I should not be lulled into weather complacency. It is easy to be complacent and procrastinate when I know better. It is easier to start the snow blower in the first week of November than it is in the first snow storm of December. You have a few weeks to get it running if it doesn't start on the first attempt. Too many people wait until the night of a snow storm to start their snow blower. It is easy to tell who they are. They are super tired and sore the next day from shoveling and walk like they fought ten rounds with a huge gorilla.

James 4:17 For those who know to do right and do not do it. To them it is a sin.

So my friends, when we live in an area prone to hurricanes, isn't it best to have a case of water and extra food on hand as  well as a flash light and  some extra batteries? If you live in an area prone to power outages, candles, battery operated lights and a small generator make sense. Don't forget a couple gallons of gasoline for the generator. If you live in an area prone to tornadoes a root cellar makes sense. If you live where it gets super cold, extra firewood and blankets make a whole lot of sense. It might be nice to own a couple snow shovels and have some salt on hand to dissolve the ice on the sidewalks.

You create more work and stress when you try to make due or run around for supplies at the last minute, just before the inevitable hits. Friends I hate to say this but not using the wisdom God give us (common sense) is foolish and I believe it is a sin.

God gave us a brain and experiences to help us "know better"

Have a great day,


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