Sunday, September 15, 2019

It Ain't Worth A Dime 9/15/2019

Good Morning,

Sunday morning arrived quietly and I have positioned myself in our den to see the sun come up. It's a little dreary outside so the sunrise might be all that great. I hope to hunt a little this afternoon and it will be a welcomed walk for sure. I am sitting here with a large cup of Door County Chocolate Caramel Truffle Coffee and with two tired Springer Spaniels guarding me every move. They know that on Sunday they get an egg so I will not be escaping their company until those eggs are made. I wish you were all here to have coffee and breakfast with me.

In my exhaustive search for the secrets to life I have concluded that most everything isn't worth a dime unless you share it with someone. Take for instance last night, My wife Rene and I went to church where I preach almost every Saturday night. We usually go out for a bite to eat after the service. Last night was no different except that two of our dearest friends joined us or we joined them. It has been a long time since we have done that with those two. We all had a burger done four different ways and we chatted and laughed for a long time. It was a nice cap to a great day.

Proverbs 18:24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly. 

On the way home Rene said " That was so nice. It's been too long." Rene and I do a lot together and we enjoy our time together.                         
But I also have concluded that man is a relational person and we all desire companionship and a sense of family. I feel so sorry for people who go through too much of life alone and in some cases they have love the desire to be social and friendly.

It could be that a relationship or two went sour and the pain has them socially paralyzed and unwilling to take the chance on  being with others.

There are others who sit back and wish they were part of  social setting and wait on an invitation that doesn't come. I put the ownership of that on the one sitting it out. You have to put yourself out there and participate in what you can and let people get to know the real you.

In October after church my good buddy has planned a Fall Harvest Pot Luck Dinner for our Saturday Night Church Family . He leaves the preaching to me, but will remind me that it is time for fellowship. He makes it simple and includes all.  He is my social conscience and reminder of what people need now and then,

I have our two dishes planned. One will be a big pot of vegetable beef soup and the other will be a goose and potato baked dish. What good is all that goose meat in the freezer if you don't share it with others. I know one fella who is very anxious to try eating goose.

My point is this. Share your life with others. It isn't worth a dime without you sharing yours and participating in others.

Have a blessed day!


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