Sunday, September 1, 2019

Labor, What Does Your Resume Say About You? 9/1/2019

Good Morning,

I just made my last pot of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee for the season. Very soon I will break out the fall flavors and celebrate the change of seasons. Technically it is still summer so my choice of coffees will remain the summer blends for awhile. Fall can come anytime soon for me.

Luke 10:7

Stay there eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wagers. Do not move from house to house.

Jesus had sent out the 72 to spread the gospel message of His love. They were to work hard. Later they reported that "even the demons were subject to us". I would have liked to have been with those 72 and to be part of the miracles they saw.

I can write about that at a later date. Jesus also instructed them to stay in one place as long as they could. They were to stay with the first ones to offer them housing and food. They were not to be jumping around from house to house going where there might be a better plate of food.

Friends, our personal work life should emulate the same. I see way too many people job hopping in the name of improving their conditions. The reasons could be anything from money, to better hours. I am not condemning  improving your situation. I believe that God opens doors for people to do so/ A young lady friend of mine had to change jobs because she needed more time with her family. She had her priorities straight. But note. This job change came after many years of service with the same company. She was a good worker and highly thought of. Her work resume doesn't have volumes of jobs listed with only a short time on the job. She was and is a steady employee. She needed a change that was prayed about and warranted. It took a lot for her to leave her job, but she made a Godly choice. In her life, family came first.

What I am trying to say is this. Your work resume reveals a lot about you. If you have had job after job after job and can't show consistent employment you need to look within. I hear people who constantly have the excuse "It was a bad place to work. They were just picking on me. The employer was being unreal." 

It's hard to believe the whole world would employ you just to pick on you. You might want to look within. God knows where He sent you for a job and some hardships do teach you to endure and learn. He also is the One who tells you when it is time to move on. But if consistently, the employer is asking you to leave, you might have a work ethic problem, like not being trusted. You might think you are working hard, but you are pegged as being lazy. Maybe you abuse break times and are constantly checking your cell phone while working. Personal calls should rarely interfere with your paid day at work.  Your work history says a lot about you.

Now employers who strive to keep employees also need to be trustworthy, appreciative and fair. Your turnover rate says a lot about you.  It is your "Work Resume". What do your employees say about you and would they recommend working with you to family and friends? If not, the issue is with you and you need to look deep within and ask why. God has a lot to say about unjust employers.

James 5:4

Behold the laborers who mowed you fields, who's wages you have which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you. Their cries have reached the ears of the Lord. 

We think of God as healing the sick, answering prayers for many issues and keeping the world spinning on it's axis. But we forget that He has much to say about our work lives. God holds the employee accountable as well as the employer. And He does so individually. So friends look within and say to yourself, is this the way God would want me to be an employer? As a worker, am I worthy of my pay and would God say "Job well done"?

So that's my thoughts on labor for this weekend?

God bless.


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