Monday, September 23, 2019

In The Still Of The Morning 9/23/2019

Good Morning,

I am truly enjoying a cup of Door County Maple Coffee this morning. I was up and out of bed quite awhile ago and I am slowly adjusting to a new day. The aroma wafting from the coffee pot and my cup filled the house with a "Good Morning Attitude."

Psalm 5:3 In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice in the morning. I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. 

Yesterday we had family over for dinner and to watch a football game. Our two dogs Leo and Gibbs became the center of attention by our nephew and his sweetie. The two dogs played all afternoon together as well as all of us playing with them. Later last night it was easy to see that both dogs were close to being zombies from all of the attention and play. They were so tired that the puppy just wanted to sleep. He has found his comfort spot to be under my desk. We couldn't find him for a short time and he wasn't responding to us calling him. We found him sound asleep under the desk and tucked in behind the chair. Our older dog was comatose and was found on his bed snoring in contentment.

It wasn't too long after I completed my Bible study time that I found myself nodding off in the chair and it wasn't too long before I decided to follow the example of the dogs and go to bed and call it a day. Rene was right behind me within minutes. It was a good night of rest.

So this morning I find myself with two dogs still a little lethargic from yesterday and a wife who is still sound asleep. I have some quiet time to write today and plenty of time for prayer and listening to God.  Soon the house will be totally awake and the quiet will be gone and the hustle of a new week will begin. But as I pray I find myself among my contented and happy house partners, most thankful for yesterday. Everyone had a nice time and the next family meal is already planned as well as the one for November. In the still of this morning I find myself reveling in yesterday and I thank God for every minute of it. I am enjoying the peace and stillness so much I can't describe the feeling.

Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 

This day my friends is a gift from God. Cherish it and make the best out of it. If at all possible live at peace with others and allow yourself to become a blessing to someone. You are important to others and you make a difference. Have a great day.


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