Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Learning To Walk Together 9/4/2019

Good Morning,

Wednesday and I am needing a cup of Door County Black and Tan Coffee to start this morning.

Amos 3:3

Do two walk together unless they agree to do so?

When my sister and I were little kids we would walk home from school and it was usually with our friends and neighbor kids. I still see one of them every week. We walked the 10 minutes together. Crossed the intersections together and never had a problem doing so. We all were in a agreement that getting away from school and going home was the goal, There were some age differences in our group and the two youngest ones could be a little slower. But us older ones herded them like cats and we shewed them toward home. We were different ages, my friend being the oldest. I need to remind her of that now and then. We had gender differences in the group but we learned to walk together as a team, never losing anyone and we felt stronger in our numbers. We had smart kids and not so smart kids in our walking group. You can all figure out where I landed in that category. We accepted our differences and saw more things alike than what our differences numbered. I have fond memories of those walks.

Many marriages suffer from forgetting that we agreed to walk together in the beginning. Later in life people start to see the differences between them. Those differences were always there, but later they begin to wear on both parties because the agreement of walking together in love has been forgotten. The infatuation of youth has diminished and now both parties irritate each other. 

Revelation 2:4-5

4.Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. 5. Consider how far you have fallen. repent and do the things you did at first.

I would suggest that if the truth be known their relationship with God is not where it needs to be either.  The same people aren't walking with the Lord and have broken their pledge of love to Him. If we are not on solid ground with God it is pretty much impossible to walk in unison to others.

So, how's the walk going?


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