Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Burning Off The Fog 9/18/2019

Good Morning,

I just came back inside from running our two dogs around in the yard. At 5;30 Am they were both full of energy and quite eager to do a little field training. So I took advantage of their cooperation and worked on a few fundamentals of retrieving. This cup of Door County Silver Reserve Coffee next to me is much overdue.

This morning is very much like the last three mornings. The fog is as thick as pea soup and it has made the grass and leaves wet with what I like to call it fog poop. A walk in the grass without rubber boots it just like a foot bath,  Within a few minutes your feet are cold and wet.

This fog is the result of record rain amounts.  The sun comes  out and warms up the days. Then after sunset the cool nights come in and hocus pocus we have fog of epic proportions. All of the excess moisture in the ground comes out as fog. It is a little creepy at night to say the least.

As I sit and look out of our second story window and face East I see the sun coming up and it is burning off of the fog. I believe that within an hour or so things will start to dry out. 

So today my point is this. Every now and then we are flooded with emotions or problems that seem to blanket us like a heavy fog. It chills us to the bone and our moods reflect the the issues of life. But like the sun our Savior is there to brighten our day and walk us through our troubles. When we are in His presence, it is like a ray of sunshine knowing He walks and talks with us and carries us through the foggy days. He is there and His presence can warm our souls and soothe our worries.

Now for me, if I want to watch the sun burn off the fog I have to get up from my bed and spend the time to see it happen. With God we also have to take the time to walk, talk with Him. We need to listen. He is available 24/7 but we need to call on Him. He doesn't break down the door and go where He is not wanted. He is a gracious God who waits for us to make the call.

Proverbs 12:25    Anxiety in a mans heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.

1 Peter 5:7   Cast all your anxiety upon Him for He cares for you.

Philippians 4:6-7   Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.

So today if the fog of life has you beat down and and soggy with grief, call out to God. He will walk you through the fog and bring you out on the other side of it.

Have a great day and better tomorrows.


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