Tuesday, September 10, 2019

When God Speaks 9/10/2019

Good Morning,

Tuesday already showed itself this morning with a puppy named Leo causing a little ruckus with a stubborn streak. Argh. The rest of the day is hopefully better. I just poured a big cup of Door County Highlander  Grog Coffee and now it is time to concentrate.

Tonight we start our Bible Study "The Art Of Listening Prayer".  Now since we are starting to study listening to God in prayer we concede or believe that He speaks to us. Since we concede that He speaks and we should listen, then we have the inevitable crisis of faith. "How do we respond when He speaks?" Is He serious? I can't. Maybe some day! That's not meant for me! I am not ready for that!

This is a simple answer. We respond with a resounding YES to whatever it is and immediately do what was asked. We need to respond in total agreement and obedience to what He said. Why would God continue to speak if we ignore what He said to us? Jesus is the perfect example of obedience and it is written that He submitted His will to that of His Father. Sometimes God just wants to say I Love you. How do you respond?

Luke 22:42 Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me, yet not my will, but yours be done. 

We need to have the attitude of "Here I am, send me"!  What has God said to you lately? Have you done what He asked and demonstrated your faith by following through?

The question is simple. The answer is simply yes or no. How would God answer the question for you?

Food for thought.



  1. Great insight to start my day with, thanks for the inspiration, Marty!
