Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Why Use Google When You Have Teenagers? 2/14/2017

Good Morning,

Happy Valentines Day! This day started with a large cup of Door County Black Velvet Coffee and a biscuit with last summer's honey. That is a breakfast fit for a king.

A friend of mine and I were discussing how to build something the other day and he said, "let's Google it and see how to do it." I replied "I thought you had teenagers at home!" He knew exactly what I was thinking. There comes an age with every teenager when they decide that they personally know more than their parents and they actually wonder if their parents roamed the Earth with the dinosaurs. You can usually tell when they reach that age. Phrases like, it's different now, you don't understand, I know better, or my favorite, it's been a long time since you were my age! You can tell the minute  they know everything , phrases like those spew forth like projectile vomit. I was just like that myself. I remember my Dad telling me to leave the snow tires on my car for a couple more weeks, on a warm March day. Nope, not me. No way was it going to snow. It was sixty degrees out. Those wide racing tires were going on my hot rod Ford. Much to my surprise the next morning I woke up to 6 inches of snow and my car was going nowhere! You see, while I was listening to the Beach Boys at night, my Dad was listening to the local weather on the nightly news. I had to take the bus to school. Oh yes, we went to school. No snow day for six inches back then.

I also spent a few summers as kid with my grandparents. It's funny now, but greasing my new boots three times before wearing them just seemed stupid to me. I always grew out of the boots before I could wear them out. But now that my feet are fully grown and have been for many years, that custom of greasing the boots three times before wearing them and then once every other month, sure has kept my feet dry and I only purchase boots every five years. The extra care helps to extend the life of the boots. Grandpa always said "You get what you pay for. Always purchase good footwear. They will last longer and it helps your feet." Every time I grease my boots I can still hear those words.

Now, I have access to the internet and all the knowledge the world has to offer. But what I wouldn't give just to be able to ask those two guys a few more questions. How great that would that be. They didn't have a whole lot of school behind them, but they had common sense and experience. They passed on to me what they learned from their ancestors and from the school of hard knocks. I wish I had listened more to them during those years when I knew everything.

The Bible has a little to say about listening to the older ones in our life.

1 Peter 5:5Living Bible (TLB)
You younger men, follow the leadership of those who are older. And all of you serve each other with humble spirits, for God gives special blessings to those who are humble, but sets himself against those who are proud.

Oh those kids now days. They can turn on a computer and run a program at the age of three. They are amazing and I have been taught some real neat techy things from them. I know now that I do not know everything and can learn from the kids.But I see more and more of them wearing flip flops in the dead of winter. I wonder how their feet will be when they are sixty. They haven't learned to listen yet. Why should they? They know everything. LOL


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