Sunday, February 26, 2017

Soup's On Again 2/26/27

Good Morning,

I wish we could all get together for a cup of Door County Almond Coffee, some scrambled eggs and bacon with a side plate of toast. We could all pray, give thanks and read a Bible passage. I have never met some of you who are reading this and it sure would be nice to get to know one another.

People have commented that my writing style is "different". The reason I write, all started with our church financial officer a few years ago. She had a vision for our church to have a daily devotional published on our web site. As an experiment she asked me to try it first. Very soon there after we noticed that people were starting to enjoy it and that my ramblings are read in many countries. I petitioned God as to what to do. Continue or drop? He responded with this. God must have a great sense of humor.

Ephesians 2:10New International Version (NIV)
10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

I found out very long ago that you never win an argument with God. I am not a writer by trade as you can tell. So I gave in and started to write to all of you. I never know who is reading the daily post unless someone comments.  My style comes from the heart. I open my day, and home to you. My experiences, travels and thoughts are shared here in my daily heart spill. Sometimes my dreams for life are placed on the screen or my petitions for prayer are resounded and published. I write as God leads. So I truly do wish that we could meet some day. Maybe that day will take place in heaven. What a day that will be!

This morning I want to challenge all of you to use whatever talents God has given you to show kindness to someone today. I have expressed to many that when God handed out talents I must have been napping and missed the sign in. However I do like to cook. Cooking for me is not a talent but a way to blow off stress and eat well. Everything I make is from a recipe given to me or from a cook book. I cannot dream up my own gourmet delights. As long as I can read and follow instructions I can turn out a pretty good meal. So yesterday the soup kettle went on the stove. Rene delivered the potato soup that was needed to a family member and then I started a batch of "Real Man Vegetable Beef Soup". Most of that will be given to friends that are down with a major head colds.

I am a simple man and God uses even the simple to bless others and expects us to do so. We are not here on Earth just to wait it out until we are called to Heaven. We are not to live life like it is one big bus or train terminal where we are waiting and waiting, doing nothing. We are here to use our talents to glorify God and bless others. Blessing others comes in many forms and can be performed at church, work, abroad or home. God has given all of us different talents as gifts. We all have at least one or more.

Are you being lazy or self centered with your talents? Use them for others and know that God has called you to do so. Get on His page and experience the blessing of using those talents before time and age might restrict your ability to do so. Try it, you'll like it.

Have a great day.



  1. So many Bible verses comes to mind with using our different talents. God did not call the equipped but equips the called. Jesus called ordinary men to be his Deciples.

  2. I like your daily ritual, keep up the good work.
