Tuesday, October 27, 2020

There Is Pleasure In Listening 10/27/2020

 Good Morning,

The old coffee pot is brewing some Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee in the kitchen. That aroma is one good alarm clock. It wakes me up everytime. A pleasant way to start the day. 

Proverbs 18:2 Fools find no please in understanding (listening) but delight in airing their own opinions. 

I was blessed as a young man to be able to stay with grandma and grandpa for a few weeks every summer. One year I spent most of the summer there. Grandpa and I were always doing something. And as it usually goes with people, while on our adventures we would talk about many things. You just knew when it was time to listen and you knew when it was time to ask questions. Sometimes there would be a test at the end of our conversations. I recall one day after I had been out trout fishing alone and I came back with a basket filled with brook trout. I had already cleaned them and was ready to have them frozen for another day. Grandpa asked me a question and I knew it was a test. He said "you know grandma's friend next door likes trout. Her husband used to fish a lot. He can't fish anymore. What do you think about that?' I thought for a minute, maybe two. I replied. "It probably would be nice if I took these fish over to her and gave them to her." He replied, "You have been listening and watching." 

I never did forget that lesson or many of the other ones I was taught. You see, it pays to listen and be quiet. Think through your comments. If I could sit with grandpa in that little boat one more time I would listen to what he had to say a little better. Listening can bring great joy. 

I just looked at that picture of grandpa. Wow he looks like someone I know. 

God bless.



  1. He does look familiar, he had some very good input in your life. And it looks like he drove a 65-67 Chevy.
