Friday, October 9, 2020

A Nice Warm Fire. 10/9/2020

 Good Morning,

Door County Caramel Apple Coffee is in the mug next to me. Two dogs are sitting on my feet and now it is time to write. 

There is nothing like a fire place with some logs burning, crackling and heat permeating the house on a cold day.  I watch our two dogs when our fireplace is glowing nice and warm. They find their way to a spot right near the fire and they warm up. The older one especially likes that heat after a day of duck hunting. Actually, after being fed and cleaned up, he will stand by the fireplace waiting for me to light it up and get those logs burning.

Jeremiah 20:9 But if I say, "I will not mention His word or speak anymore in His name," His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed I cannot.

Christian friends, God's Word is like that also. His Word within us is like a fire that makes our hearts glow. It is a fire that cannot be put out. God is watching and waiting by the fireplace of our hearts to stoke that fire any and every time we step forward to be used  by Him to serve others in this world in His name. 

But I have to ask you this. Is the fire roaring within you? Or is it barely burning at all? When was the last time you went to God's Word to fuel the fire? If I don't add wood to the fireplace which is keeping the house warm, it soon grows cold and isn't comfortable. Our dogs get cold and they move to another place in the house where it is warmer. 

Add some fuel to the fire within today. Open your Bibles and fan the flames.

Have a great Friday.


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