Monday, October 19, 2020

Sometimes It Is Not Easy To Give An Honest Answer 10/19/2020

 Good Morning,

Still duck hunting and hoping to have a cup of Door County Heroes Coffee. Plenty of prayer time while hunting these last few days. Sweet time off!

Proverbs 24:26 An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips. 

Sometimes when we are asked to tell someone the truth about a situation it can hurt us or them. It seems as if we are in a no win situation. I had someone ask me this question, "Do you see anything wrong with my actions"? This person had made a mess of their life and now wanted an honest answer as to what I saw. I replied "you drink too much alcohol and I think you have a problem with it." He never spoke to me again accept to tell me I was wrong. He is in jail now for killing two people while he was driving drunk. His mother wouldn't even speak to me. Ouch. I had been tempted to just say, "I don't know". But then I would be lying. What a circumstance to be in!

As difficult as it is, we need to be truthful and yet be compassionate with our answers. But an honest answer must be given or we are part of the problem. 

Be blunt when needed but season it with kindness. Pray and hope for the best.

God Bless,,



  1. I think all of us have faced similar difficult questions. In this case, it is important to answer truthfully, otherwise we are just making the person comfortable in their sin. At the same time, we need to hold out hope that their is forgiveness and restoration for what they've done. Looking at this now, Marty, how would you answer this person? We need to be prepared for that difficult question that may be coming our way. Thank you!

  2. Truth may hurt but dishonesty can kill.
