Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Save Some For Another Day 10/21/2020

 Good Morning,

Last night  I came home and slept in my own bed. I looked forward to being there and hearing about all I missed at home and catching up with my wife.

I love to duck hunt and really enjoy the time spent on the water or in a field. But sometimes when the shooting is real good you want to stay and shoot more ducks. But legally there is a limit on the amount you can shoot. Also there is a moral limit on not wanting to shoot up a great waterhole and not leave some for next year. 

My thought for today is this. Many things are legal to do, but morally they tip the scale in the wrong direction. It's legal to drive 70 miles per hour on some stretches of the road. It is also legal to pass people who are going slower. But morally it is not right to give them the "hey slow poke" look as you pass them or worse yet a one finger salute.

Freedom of speech is legal but can go totally bad when we tip the morality scales and every other word is offensive and raw. 

Check your "it's legal to do meter" against the moral meter of the Bible. I bet you would be found guilty in God's court.

Have a great day!
