Sunday, October 25, 2020

A Little Humor For The Soul 10/25/2020

 Good Morning,

Our fireplace was burning well into the night and once I clean out the ashes it will be warming the house again. Until then, the large mug of Door County Hazelnut Creme Coffee sitting next to me will have to remove the chill from my bones. 

Proverbs 15:13 A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart a spirit is crushed. 

I have written a daily blog now sine 2012 and have been doing the preaching on Saturday nights for our church services for about the same amount of time. Not long ago during the start of the covid nightmare we decided to purge the house on unwanted items or things that we just didn't need. While cleaning out a closet in our home I discovered a shoe box hidden in the corner of a large closet. It was kept closed by two strong rubber bands, When I pulled it out and opened it up I found 17 crisp One dollar bills. Rene walked in and immediately turned red in the face. I asked her what the story was behind the money. She replied honestly and said that she decided to put a dollar away everytime I wrote a blog statement or preached a sermon that was not up to par. I smiled and was pretty proud that after all these years there was only 17 dollars in the box. Her head hung as she told me that we had $1100 dollars in the bank. "I would never keep that much cash in a shoe box."

Friends that did not really happen. But I thought I would take a shot at making you smile. Rene and I both laughed that one off with gusto. I asked her where she kept a shoe box with cash from my bad blogs or sermons. She laughed and said "thanks for the trip to Hawaii"!  Ouch!!

We all need some humor now and then and we should take the time to enjoy a laugh or two with clean banter or fun surprises. We should never make someone feel bad with humor. But to join in with someone who is sharing a laugh is harmless and good for the soul. 

So today look for something that gives you a little humor or a lot of huumor. If it is worth sharing, do so. God gave us the ability to laugh. I think He meant for us to use it.

Have a great day.  God bless,
