Friday, October 2, 2020

The Business Of the House 10/2/2020

 Good Morning,

AI can still see the remnants of a full moon this morning as I sit down to write. Next to me is a hot cup of door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee. Our two dogs Leo, and Gibbs are at my feet. I just filled the dehydrator with apple slices. This place is starting to smell pretty good. 

Psalm 101:3 I will conduct the affairs of my house with a blameless heart. I will not look for approval on anything that is vile.

October is here and I will be duck hunting tomorrow morning with two guys who are nice enough to let and old guys hang with them.  But that is tomorrow. Let's talk about today. 

Friends, our homes whether we own on or rent a place have an address. If you look mine up, chances are if you stop by I might be home. But eventually I am there to live, eat, sleep, celebrate and mourn, Our house is known as the home of the Schutte Family. We generate expenses from the home and pay the bills from our home. We have electricity, gas, cable and water. I actually work at a small part time job and sometimes I work from home.  So our house is a home and a place of business. 

I was just listening to a man who is quite brilliant with his knowledge of technology and he was telling some of  us how he can and I use his words here, borrow cable television and how he has pirated the service without paying for it, I asked him if he thought borrowing the service was stealing. He replied, "many people are doing it. And the cable company is ripping off many other homes by charging too much, so it is justified."

I walked away not shaking my head but also not amazed at his answer. I began to ponder our home and I asked my wife, "do we pirate anything"? She thought about it and said "no we pay for what we use and give to to others and we haven't hoarded anything." I felt better about our home. I believe as a society many have become numb to dishonesty. If it says "take one" do we take two? Do we return dropped wallets without emptying them first? Do we teach our children not to lie, but yet when the phone rings and it is for us, do we have them tell the caller we are not home? Do we sit and slander others while at our dinner table right after we prayed? Do we give our employers all they deserve while working from home? 

I think when we talk about our place of residence, we actually need to remember that our heart lives there. And as much as we like to keep our house clean we also need to clean our hearts now and then. Justification of stealing tells me the heart needs a clean up! Take some time to examine the house business and your hearts today. It might be time for a Fall Cleaning. How many pens did you take home from work?


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