Sunday, May 31, 2020

What You see Is Exactly What It Is. 5/31/2020

Good Morning,

The air is cool. The sun is shining and my cup of Door County Lemon Shortbread Coffee is very hot. Now it is time to write.

My heart is heavy this morning because of the civil disturbances going on within our cities. The cause and the effect are both sickening to me. The wrongful death of a man and the rioting going on are both very ugly.

I won't editorialize the events. Much more eloquent writers than me have done plenty of it and will continue to do so. I am not sweeping the death under the carpet nor am I ignoring the nightly crimes going on in the name of inequality and the need for justice.

What I will say is this. I see is total disregard for life of a man when he is choked to death on the street. I see a total disregard for other peoples property and the idea that this is justice. So what I see is a total lack of fear for God. Killing a defenseless man is wrong and it is a sin.  Demonstrating against inequality and wrongful death is not. But burning another man's property is a crime and is also sin. Stealing televisions from a store while looting is wrong. There has been so much written about this that I won't recap it.

When I see all of these actions I want to vomit. I see a lack of conscience on the few who have caused the first crime and the lack of conscience on those who burn and loot in the name of justice. A lack of conscience indicates that God is missing in the lives of those who murder and those who take lawlessness to the streets. 

God clearly states that where He is absent sin will abound. I am sickened at all of these actions but not surprised. What we see is exactly what it is. Hearts not in love with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. I see hearts filled with evil, not having been changed to hearts that respect life and others. There is no evidence of these, having spent time at the foot of Jesus Christ.

1 John 3:10 By this it is evident who are the children of God and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love His brother. 

We took God out of the schools, we want symbols of Him removed from our public buildings. We still murder babies every day in the name of health care. I see a lack of God within our nation.  The evidence of a world with unrighteous hearts is damning. So I pray for a revival within this nation, the type that only God can bring about. Lives filled with love, and respect for God and others. I might be dreaming but I believe in praying big.



  1. This was made to become more by Soros who funds activists to start destroying property to incite the vandalism and looting. They have been doing this for years. Nothing is working to get rid of Trump so now they are trying to promote race wars. These battles are not won in the world but need to be fought against the principalities in the air through prayer.

  2. I am in total agreement with the above comment, George Soros is following his god, who is the god of this world, satan. He is drawing many more after him.
