Saturday, May 30, 2020

Wedding Rings 5/30/2020

Good Morning,

What a beautiful sunrise I witnessed today. It made my great cup of Lemon Shortbread Cookie Coffee taste even better as I greeted the day out on the patio with our two dogs Leo and Gibbs.

Psalm 143:8 Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life.

A young friend of mine will be getting married today and due to Covid 19 the couple can only have a few people attend the wedding. The big celebration was cancelled and will be scheduled for next year. They have taken this disappointment very well and to say the least I for one am very proud of the way they handled the whole thing.

Every wedding I have anything to do with always makes me think about the day Rene and I walked down the aisle 1000 years ago. Our wedding rings are old now as well as the fingers that hold them. My thought today is about the wedding band and it's symbol.

Wedding bands are round and fit over your finger. The circle of the ring is a reminder of your love for each other. There really is no end to the ring's circle. As you look at your ring you should remember that your love for each other is to be unending as well.

When I look at my ring I am also reminded that God brought the two of us to each other and that His love for us is without end. Rene and I both take off our rings at night and set them next to each other . When I see them I am reminded of the two hands that wear them and the third hand that holds them in place. I see  God's Spiritual hand on ours.

Just a short thought from my heart today.

God bless.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! 1000 years, I feel like a newlywed at only 47 yrs.
