Saturday, May 16, 2020

Reopening The Church

Good Morning,

A train can be heard in the distance blowing it's signal horn as it approaches the crossing near our home. Trains have been traveling a lot less down the tracks during this Covid 19 epidemic. But as things are opening up a little more I have heard that familiar horn a little more. The sound of the horn and this big cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee are both soothing to the soul.

Ecclesiastes 7:10 Do not say,  "Why were the former days better than these"? For you do not inquire wisely concerning this.

As we attempt to turn the corner from the epidemic and more and more businesses start to reopen we have also had to develop a plan to reopen our church. Our church was truly blessed to be able to broadcast our services with live stream video to all of us and possible more people that we might not ever meet or greet. Our team from church did an excellent job of bringing music and messages to us.

It was good, but we all know what was missing. It wasn't the building, although we do have a very nice building. It wasn't the cookie shop that everyone enjoys after service. It was being able to interact with our church family. Seeing them weekly for years is not just a habit for me. It is part of life that I look forward to and I miss it dearly. Praying in person with people is much better than a Zoom meeting

Today we start sanitizing the church for the return of people to it. Going above and beyond in what would be normal cleaning. Hand sanitizer will be more readily available.  A system for washing door handles repeatedly will be developed. There is a full laundry list of things to do. I expected that we would have to do this to comply with the virus battle and to be able to reopen. I fully support it.  I am sure this is happening all over the world right now.

But there is more that I pray for. I am praying that as God's people return to their places of worship they return with sanitized hearts. I have listed a couple things that should have died with the epidemic.

1. Never take church attendance for granted. Once it was gone the whining began. Now, be there and remember the days when you couldn't.

2. If while being absent from church you were still holding a grudge against someone and it is still there, don't come to clean a building until you have cleansed your heart.

3. If you are not inclined to serve and your standard answer Is "I will pray about it" cleanse your heart. There is a world to reach for Jesus.

4.I saw people posting on social media many requests to have others share in the broadcasts from their respective churches. How about now? Will we continue what is so easy to do on social media and invite people to experience God with us in person? Will we be bolder in our invitations and love for the lost and those in need of a church home?

You see friends, I want to return to church. Not to the "Good Old days" but to the Better Days"



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