Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Shirt Off Of Your Back 5/5/2020

Good Morning,

Sitting on my feet are two English Springer Spaniels and next to me is one big cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee. It is time to write.

Many years ago I led a short term mission trip to Peru and as most short term trips are, this one had daily adventures beyond belief.

Luke 6:29 To the person who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other as well., and to the person who takes your coat, offer your shirt too.

One particular day as the team was trying to perform a children's skit in the town square so as to present the message of Jesus Christ, a very drunk man, shirtless staggered toward the gathering and started to disrupt the proceedings. Myself and one other man proceeded to usher him away which just seemed contrary to  what we were attempting to do and that was to work and change lives.

The man I was with looked at me and told me that he had an idea. He decided to take the man to get something to eat. This fella was dirty from head to toe and smelled like rotten whiskey. We found a place that would serve our new friend and we purchased him some fried eggs and bread to eat. We sat with him and my buddy proposed to this man a way to eat the next day. He told our drunk little man that if he showed up at the same time the next day, but was sober we would all eat together again.

In good faith we asked him if he needed anything and he said that he could use some clothes but couldn't buy any because he drank all his money away. I looked at my friend and said "you and I are bigger than him in height but about the same size in girth, our clothes should work." My friend removed his shirt and gave it to our new friend. Now my friend was shirtless but I had a jacket that he could wear.

That night back at mission central we told everyone about the needs this fella had and soon before you knew it we had toiletry supplies, towels, and clothing for our buddy. The next day came and he returned to us sober and we gave him all we had collected. Each day for the next three days he would show up clean, and sober and we would eat. We also noticed that he wanted to listen to the Bible lessons being given to the children. We always let him stay and within a day he was helping us with the kids. One day we watched as an invitation was given to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. He raised his hand to receive Jesus with tears in his eyes. Each day he was sober and clean after that. We asked if he had any family and he said he had parents and siblings but they threw him out because he was a drunk. He said he could never go back. We convinced him to go back and visit the next day and that we would go with him. He wanted to make amends with his parents.

The following morning arrived and our new friend was late and we almost gave up on him. The I saw him staggering toward us without a shirt and my heart sank. But he wasn't drunk. He had been beaten bloody and robbed. Our friend lived on the streets and when some of the homeless saw his new good fortune a gang of men came, beat him up and took everything. He had a piece of chain in his hand and told us he couldn't go home but was going back to fight for his clothes. We gave him his first lesson on forgiving. We cleaned him up and once again my friend gave him a shirt and some shoes. I donated my last jacket and we took him home beaten but sober. His family welcomed the prodigal with open arms. My friend walked barefoot until we got back to our hostel.

To end this long story he was given more clothes. We left some money with the local pastor for our friend's needs. The pastor offered him a job as custodian and gardener for the church. This came with a room on the church site. I receive and annual update from the church on our friend's progress.  He is married and adopted a child with his wife. The church added on to his room and now it is a little house. Recently he asked for more space so he could start a clothing ministry of used items or new that he could give away. From what I understand the ministry is booming and clothing is being donated by the truck loads. And many are hearing the gospel for the first time. The church is growing. Friends it all started when my buddy did not see a drunkard, but saw a man. He didn't see a naked man, but he saw an opportunity to give away a shirt. He wasn't ashamed to sit down and eat with a drunkard but was happy that he could financially afford to do so.  Friends would you take off your shirt on a cold day and give it away to meet a need?


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