Friday, May 1, 2020

Sleeping Always Helps 5/1/2020

Good Morning,

The sun is coming up and I just heard some geese flying outside my window. No coffee for me today. Maybe later.

James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift comes from above. 

I haven't  slept very well for the last few nights. But last night was the exception. I was so tired yesterday that once I got comfortable  it was lights out for this boy.

This morning I want to say that I am grateful to God for the rest I was given last night. Before I drifted off to sleep last night I prayed and asked God to ease my fears and grant me rest. The sleep I received was deep  and peaceful.

When was the last time you rested in peace and harmony? Did you remember to thank God for it?

Even rest for our bodies and minds comes from God.

So much to be thankful for, even a night free of worries, filled with heavenly  sleep.

Happy Friday.
