Thursday, May 14, 2020

I Put Something Away, And Now I Can't Find It. 5/14/2020

Good Morning,

I was very pleased when I started to smell the aroma of  Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee coming from the kitchen this morning. I knew it wouldn't be long before the alarm went off to signal the start of a new day.

Psalm 119:11 I have hidden Your Word in my heart, that I may not sin against thee.

Today I want to write about something we have all seen someone do and good chances are you've probably done it too.

I have done this many times. I put something away for safe keeping and then when I need it I go to where I thought I placed it and it isn't there. I have searched frantically for my vehicle keys many times.

I recall looking for a belt that I wanted to wear and then asking my wife to join in on the search. We looked everywhere that belt should have been. She asked me if I might have left it at my parents house when I visited a couple weeks back. The answer of course was no, but it did make me wonder and it established some true doubt in my mind.I almost called my Mother to see if I had left it there and could she look everywhere in her house to find my belt.
Eventually I went to get a different belt and that's when my wife exclaimed "Look at the belt you are wearing?" I had already put the missing belt on and had been wearing if for an hour.

Friends we all get so busy and are a hurried people. We waste more time by being hurried that it would be better to slow down in all things so as to ease our brains. We travel on overload.

There are times when I could swear that I packed my Bible, any Bible some Bible for a trip I was taking, only to remember where I placed it when I arrived at my destination without it. I misplace my car keys regularly so I have spare sets of keys. I do the same thing with my Bible. I have spares, but in a pinch I have memorized some verses to let me have God's Word readily available to me in a pinch.

We use notes to remind ourselves to pack something or to remember appointments. I have placed some Bible Verses as notes in my head for when I need them most.

I suggest that every believer should do the same.  You should never leave home without them.


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