Saturday, May 2, 2020

In The Valley 5/2/2020

Good Morning.

I am just sitting down to a breakfast that is minus my usual.cup of Door County Coffee. Hopefully tomorrow  will be different. I do however have a cup of coffee in front of me and I am grateful for it. I guess I have grown fussy about my coffee.

Zephania 3:17  The Lord is with you, a great mighty warrior able to save. He will calm you and rejoice over you with singing.

As I look back over April and go day by day I see that my life was full of peaks and valleys. When you think about it, life is like a roller coaster. You pay a lot of money to ride the coaster just to be shook up, dizzy and at times afraid. The ride usually starts out at a low point and climbs to the top of a very high peak. Then just as it levels off you are plunging to Earth like an uncontrolled  rocket ship. The descent has you longing for the climb out of the plunge. While climbing out of the plunge you start looking up.

This month has had a lot of highs and lows for many of us. But I challenge  all of us today to be honest and ask this question. "When I was in the valley, wasn't I looking up?" I found myself praying more and not just for myself. I prayed often for people I didn't  even know. The rollercoaster  ride took me low and in a quick hurry but had me looking up every time.

If life were a constant merry go  round it would never cause us to look up with our hands reaching for the top.

God is there in the peaks and valleys  of our lives and He is there to calm us during the scary times. He rejoices over us daily.

Food for thought.


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