Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Weigh The Potential For Harm 5/6/2020

Good Morning,

A simple cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and a small fire in the hearth have fulfilled my needs for this morning. It is quite chilly here for a May morning.

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.

Last night around 11:PM I stepped outside for a few minutes with our two dogs Gibbs and Leo. I had turned on plenty of lights and both dogs were milling around in our front yard. Normally I have to work a little to keep the youngest one from roaming around too far. This wasn't the case last night.
I noticed both dogs standing still and looking toward our back yard. I then saw the hair standing up on the back of the older one and the younger one soon followed the pattern. I couldn't hear anything or see anything but I knew that sign and decided the sidewalk was good enough for me.

I lightly called to each dog and they willingly but cautiously came back to me and we went inside. Both dogs ran back to the patio doors and started growling and barking at something outside. I turned on the flood lights to the back yard and was not surprised to see a mangy coyote standing in our yard. Although the coyote was silent and did not howl all the warning signs of potential danger were there last night. It had been wise for me to retreat to the safety of our home.

Friends, the Holy Spirit often gives us that nudge, or a still small voice, or a feeling, that the next step or decision we make is not a good one or has an element of danger to it. Danger is often disguised with our thoughts of I need that, it probably won't happen, or I can handle this. We dive into something knowing fully well that the results could be bad, but we think we are invincible.

For instance in the winter, when advised to stay off of the snow impeded highways , we take our big trucks out and speed down the road  just to find out later that big trucks can't stop on ice. We knew better all along, yet we chose danger.

The signs of danger are out there and are obvious. A rain swollen river is just that and wading in it has caused many accidental deaths. We just need to heed the warning signs that God places before us.

I close this today saying that summer is coming, and we have been cooped up for a long time now. Let's not go overboard (literally) with trying to make up for lost time. Safety first!


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