Monday, May 11, 2020

Advice Given. Advice Not Taken 5/11/2020

Good Morning,

The sun is shining and it is a total contrast to yesterday which brought rain and some snow all day long. It looks like the day has potential to be beautiful. My choice for a morning beverage is a hot cup of Door County Country Morning Coffee. My breakfast will be a some cold watermelon.

Proverbs 1:5 Let the wise hear and increase in learning and the one who understands seek guidance.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to good advice.

Doesn't it just fry your hinder when people call you and want to tell you all about their problems and seek your advice for hours on end and then never listen to a word you say? I don't mind people calling and venting to me if they say " I just called to vent". I will listen and I will even offer to extend to them more time if they feel they need it. My ear is always open to listening.

Then there are those who call or worse yet text for hours on end and ask you what they should do. I am always willing to pray, listen, pray some more and listen harder and ask God for the answer He would have me give them. I never turn away my ear. But I guard my hearing.

In addition, during this whole time you just know that whatever advice you give, won't be followed and except for giving that person a sounding board, you just wasted time. Then they run off after dumping a load of hurt, anger and frustration on to your plate, with their box emptied just so they can fill it up again. Some people just have to get in the last word. The last word is most of the time like a rotten apple that you found to be full of worms, yet you have to eat that last bite and you wonder why your stomach hurts.

We all have some people like this in our lives. We must love them and pray for them and help them with limits. And eventually we will need to confront their actions. This is never pleasant because the next phone call or letter they write is to complain about you. I adopted this theme on just that subject. "If they are talking or complaining about you, they are leaving someone else alone".

So my friends, if this is something that has you under siege. Remember this. Pray before you answer. Ask if people want advice or not. Some will be very honest and say no. They just want to vent a little. Venting in a safe atmosphere is a good thing. If advice is desired, tell them you want to pray about it and that you will call back later. Seek God's wisdom instead of running on your own. Once sound Biblical advice is given and it is taken, be there to assist as much as possible. If it is not taken and the person runs a muck then pray again as to how much time God wants you to spend giving more advice or help. Let God set your "term limits".

Much of your own stress can be avoided if you just pray and ask God, "Am I in the right place here?" He will let you know.


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