Monday, February 8, 2021

Why Do Some People Just Like To Argue? 2/8/2021

 Good Morning,

Once more the alarm was not welcome in the bedroom today. I was just getting some serious sleep when it went off. I will be pouring a cup of Door County Maple Coffee and I will head North today to work.

Photo Credit Wikipedia

I am going to confess something today and it will help me make my point. A couple of years ago I decided to finally have both knee joints replaced. The surgeries were much overdue. I will admit that I waited too long and the surgeries were longer and tougher than they would have been two to three years earlier. While I was waiting to get enough courage to get them replaced I very often passed on doing things, such as golfing, more hunting, and walks in general. I stopped going on rollercoaster rides. In other words, I wasted a lot of time and pleasure opportunities that I will never get back.

Here we go. I know way too many people that spend too many hours, days and months arguing with each other, the television, or other people, usually family members. If they could only add up the hours wasted in arguing, pouting, whining, and anger, they might stop. 1 hour a week is too much to argue, let alone days at a time. People might say. "we didn't argue all day." Yes that is true. But they didn't talk to each other all day and ate in separate rooms. Another 6 hours spent in foolishness that you can never get back. What a way to waste a life.

Most arguments start with two things. 1 selfishness. 2. An uncontrolled mouth. People who like to argue usually want things done their way and no other way. When one mouth opens another usually sends a return remark and to get back to being selfish one remark must always out trump the last one. So the nasty cycle goes on and on. Wasted days and wasted nights.

God clearly speaks about arguing.

2 Timothy 2:23-24 Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. 24 And the Lords servant must not be quarrelsome, but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil.

How much time do you spend arguing? How much life have you missed because you can't help being selfish and just can't control the tongue you own.

Some day you will want all those days and hours back. Food for thought on this Monday.


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