Saturday, February 6, 2021

Change That Furnace Filter 2/6/2021

 Good Morning,

The old house is slow to warm up this morning. The temperature could be worse and I guess it will be tomorrow. An artic blast has beset us and now this cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee not only tastes great but it is warming the old guy up. 

I am sitting here very grateful for my hot coffee and a house that has heat. I pray for those who don't and hope they find a place of comfort now. 

Technology is a wonderful thing. The weather forecast was spot on and it came days ahead of this freezing cold. We took the warning to heart and made preparations to be ready for the cold. We took stock of necessities and made a run to the store for a couple of things. I always feel warmer if my dinner is stew our hot soup. So yesterday I made a large kettle full of "Real Man Vegetable Beef Soup". 

Romans 12:1-2 I appeal to you therefore brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is perfect and acceptable.

Our furnace was checked over and right on schedule (the timing was perfect) I changed the air filter that removes dust and such from the air. A clogged filter slows down the heat from getting where it needs to go. When a filter becomes too clogged up it can actually make your furnace run poorly or in some instances not run at all. We have experienced heat outages when our furnace broke down and it happened both times when the furnace was needed most. One time we actually ran out of wood for the fireplace. I swore that would never happen again. Our wood pile is still plentiful. I thank God for the wood we cut last year. 

Back to the filter. It reminds me that the filter is to keep the ventilation system clean. You wouldn't want an expensive furnace and ductwork to get filled with dust and debris.  Now the point of the day is this. I believe that at times we remove the filters of our mind and heart and allow the dirt of the world to come into our lives. We are unfiltered! And here is a good way to check to see if your filter is in good order. Listen to your own language. If what comes out of your mouth has to be apologized for "pardon my language" but you feel that you can't get your point across without filth spewing forth trash from your mouth, you have a filter problem.  If you prefer to watch the Super Bowl or whatever just to see the scantily clad cheer leaders you have a filter problem. This goes both ways ladies. If you like guys in tight pants more than the actual football game, you might have a filter problem. 

Sometimes those furnace filters go ignored and become clogged up so bad that the fresh air can't get through. It is the same way with the filters of our lives. We need to keep the filters clean or replaced regularly so as not to choke the life right out of us. We get used to breathing bad air and soon the filth of life becomes the norm and gets worse daily.

I think you get the point! Check your life filters, clean them up by renewing your minds and hearts. The word of God is the filter and it is there to keep us clean and give us warnings when the heart and mind are plugged.

Have a great weekend. 


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