Tuesday, February 9, 2021

A Nice Shower And Some Sleep 2/9/2021

 Good Morning,

May God shine upon you today as you go into the world. My mug was just filled with Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and my breakfast is raisin toast. Let's get started.

Psalm 16:2 "I say to my Lord. "You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing. 

When I was a young boy my grandparents did not have a shower. They had indoor plumbing but the extent of bathing came in the form of a bath. As hard as I tried I never felt clean taking a bath once I was introduced to a shower. 

I recall one hot July day when I was about 11 years old, my dad, grandfather, my cousin and I ran a new sewer line to the town sewer for my grandparents. We were removing the old septic system. This really called for a lot of hand digging and shoveling gravel and sand. The work was dirty, smelly and exhausting. I just couldn't wait for the last shovel of dirt to be thrown. But I wasn't too keen on being fourth for a bath. All I wanted was a shower and some sleep. 

My grandfather worked for the railroad and the town he lived in had a "round house". This is where you could actually turn the locomotives around and send them back South. This was also the spot where the line workers could go after work and shower if they wanted to. They had four stalls. I almost did a cart wheel when Grandpa said "I am taking you all to the round house for a shower. Pack some clean clothes up and some towels." I showed those guys who could move fast at the end of a hard day!

That water felt so good running down my sore and dirty carcass. My point today is this. I returned from a long day of work yesterday and all I wanted was a shower and some sleep. It seems that being clean and revived with sleep is a basic need that hasn't changed for me. My shower is quite a bit nicer than the ones in the round house but the impact is the same. So hear me out. Sometimes it is the simple things we take for granted. I am thankful for the warm bed I slept in and the hot shower I took before lying down. Yes I thank God for all the good things of yesterday. Did you remember to be thankful for the bed you used? Are you thankful for clean water and a shower? You should be. 

God bless,



  1. Yes,I do every morning.even though temporary I have to sleep in a dorm room here at Hiawatha where,they house the students in a bunk bedwetting a mattress that should be used to put exercise equipment on.lol... ,But I'm very thankful. Praise God.
