Saturday, July 8, 2017

The River Dried Up 7/8/17

Good Morning,

Saturday at last has arrived and I am up early to get my chores done. I am braced with a cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee and a hand full of grapes. Some study and prayer and I should be ready to go, go, go.

1 Kings 17:7New International Version (NIV)
Some time later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land.

Every year it seems that our spring weather fills the rivers, ponds and creeks right to their tops and in some instances they overflow. But then August and September come along and what once was a flourishing pond, creek or river is dried up and barely holds any water. I have had that scenario ruin a few duck hunting seasons for me. The hot heat for an extended time dried up the water. Nothing in the form of rain came along to replenish the water that was expended to drought. Where there was once lush green plants or grass growing, had dried up reeds and weeds taking over. In one case fish were stranded and dying causing the water that was left to stink like a ripe diaper. This old duck hunter prays for plenty of water, right through to December.

Our spiritual lives also need to be replenished daily through prayer, listening, obedience and time in God's Word. When we neglect to keep our reservoir full we soon start to dry up and before long we have nothing left to sustain us when life takes a rough turn. The weeds of discontent or sin take over where faith, hope and love used to abound. It is very important to keep the flow of communication with God open. It is very important to water our faith through obedience to His calls and till our minds and hearts with fresh buckets of His word.

Are you ready to water the lawn of your heart? Are you ready to fill the river of love that runs through you to others? Turn on the faucets of prayer and Bible study. Don't let the river run dry.

Have a great weekend.
