Monday, July 10, 2017

Reassured With A Sunset 7/10/2017

Good Morning,

Time to rise and shine. Time to greet the day with vim, vigor and vitality. The old mug is filled with Door County Hazelnut Crème Coffee and I raise my cup to salute God the Great I Am.

Psalm 65:8New International Version (NIV)
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders;
    where morning dawns, where evening fades,
    you call forth songs of joy.

Who hasn't stopped to watch a sunset or a sunrise at least once in their life. I recall climbing a small mountain to be on top of the plateau when the sun rose. What an awesome display of God's majesty and power. What once was dark was illuminated brightly with the rays of the sun. We have journeyed to the Grand Canyon and witnessed the sun setting and the canyon going to sleep. The colors were indescribable. Clearwater Beach Florida is an annual trek we make for the sunset.


Every now and then when life seems chaotic and confusing I take time to stop and watch a sunrise or sunset and pray. God's display of His power each day amazes me. He alone paints the walls of the Grand Canyon from a heavenly palette that none of us possess. No one but God can make the sun set and at the same time literally light His own fireworks, painting the sky once more. God schedules a time each day to put on a show for us and it is 365 days a year, always on time. Despite what I see on television or read in the paper, I am reminded each day that this earth and all of us were made by God and that He doesn't change. We cannot mold Him into what we think He should be. That is one of God's greatest attributes, He never changes. What He promises, He delivers. When He says He is with us always, He is. When He said He loves us, He does. 

So if you are in doubt today or feeling abandoned, take in s sunrise or a sunset. God wants to paint you a picture. In His mind, you are His sunshine.

God bless,


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