Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Spending The Day Watching Movies 11/24/2015

Good Morning,

Wednesday has shown up right on time. Spending my day chasing game birds with our Grandson Dominick. I need to coffee up with some Door County Cranberry Crème. Then it's off to the chase.

Proverbs 17:22
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones

Psalm 4:7
You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound

I started a short vacation today and after hunting some geese this morning Dominick and I headed off to the theater for the cheap Tuesday movies. Grandma had to work and joined us later for an early evening movie. It felt good to be off from work ,and tied to a home repair or something like that. It had that feel of skipping our of school without any guilt whatsoever. Like Senior skip day, you weren't supposed to skip out but it was ok if you were a senior. I never looked back and had a great time eating junk and munching on popcorn. We were choked up by the first movie and both tough guys said "Grandma would be crying if she saw this" LOL. We laughed out loud and all three of us enjoyed a comedy. I am not sure what that day cost us. But whatever it was, it was worth it, because the time spent relaxing, laughing and enjoying some family time was PRICELESS.

There is no amount of money that would cause me to give away the laughter we shared. It was good medicine for our souls.

Laugh today, laugh tomorrow, call it your daily dose of heart medicine.

God bless,


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