Saturday, March 10, 2018

Sometimes It's Just Too Late 3/10/2018

Good Morning,

I just have a few minutes to write before I go to work and then hurry home later this afternoon for church. I just filled my cup with Door County Chocolate Caramel Truffle Coffee and it looks like a cookie on the run for breakfast. I do  not like to be late for anything. I like to be on time and showing up late is a special irritant to me. I have always liked being punctual for meetings and appointments. If I am late upon arrival I look at how much of the content I have missed and then I am honest with myself and have to decide if staying is appropriate or if I should reschedule. There comes a time when you have to ask yourself if you already missed too much of the meeting or an appointment. Did you miss too much of the content to really say that you received all needed from the appointment or meeting? We need to take meetings about our health seriously and be there on time, every time. If you miss one RESCHEDULE it.

We need to take care of ourselves and sometimes that means making appointments for our health and then keeping them. Certain illnesses if taken care of right away are not all that bad. Left unchecked some illnesses can advance very quickly and then it often is too late to be cured. W owe it to ourselves and our families to do our best to stay healthy. We owe it to God to take care of our bodies.
Sometimes that minor bleeding is nothing at all and then some other time it a sign of more serious conditions that could lead to an early death.

Romans 12:1 “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”
It takes time to take care of yourself. And according to God you are worth it. Take care of yourself before it is too late.


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