Saturday, March 24, 2018

In Beautiful Dreams 3/24/2018

Good Morning,

We are having some pretty cold weather for March this morning. So the fireplace is full of maple hardwood just glowing with heat, and I just filled my favorite mug with Door County Black And Tan Coffee. I was outside with our dog Gibbs and the smell of the smoke from the fireplace brought back some very fond memories. My family will know what I am talking about.

“By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care” (1 Corinthians 3:10).
Rene and I had just been discussing this week that this past winter was one of the hardest and longest we have experienced in many years. There was snow and not all that much, plenty of icy days, sub zero cold and illness galore. Both of us experienced the illnesses and for Rene one is still lingering. Hours at work have been more than plenty and between work, illness, and a foot injury I for one have a depleted body. Friends, I am not whining just stating a fact. Last night after dinner my body "hit the wall". I just could not stay away later than 8PM. I gave in and went to bed. I am usually awake by 4AM and that was still the case this morning. But just for a couple of minutes.

I usually don't dream very much and I am not one to interpret dreams or put much stock into them. But last night while in a deep sleep I dreamed about family that have passed on and are no longer with us. In my dreams I relived some memories of grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and our parents. Those of us still here were in those dream also. Most of dreams took place at a small lake in Michigan. 4AM came pretty quick and I awoke like normal. Now I had already slept for 8 hours, two hours more than normal for me. I looked at the alarm clock and in a minute or two I was sound asleep until 7AM. During that time, those dreams continued. I have never had that happen before and 11 hours of sleep is unheard of in my routine.

Let me summarize this. I believe God knows that my energy tank is empty. I was locked into some late night work hours and some late night ministry this week. I believe all good things come from God and I believe He caused a deeper sleep and one filled with fond memories. I believe my 4AM wake up was just an intermission to a great show that God allowed me to see. Thank you Lord for those beautiful dreams.

But the lesson here was found later this morning. Last night I laid out my boots so they could be oiled today. The oil I use is the same type my grandfather and my dad used. They taught me to oil my boots. I built a fire today using cedar kindling, they way they taught me to. I am making some meatloaf today, the way my mother showed me how to do. I walked past my golf clubs in the garage and was reminded that an aunt of mine taught Rene and me how to golf. I saw my Bible on the table and thought of my mother. My baseball glove (well oiled) is hanging in the garage and I was reminded of a cousin who taught me to throw straight, which served me well, back in the day.

In my daily life I relive my heritage over each day. I go to work and am proud of what I do. I try to take care of my family, I put up items I will need to make it through to winter in the fall. My animals are well taken care of and I celebrate family. Then there are the little things my family taught me. I love coffee. I don't have dull knives. Keep your tie straight. Say thank you and please. Don't wear white while eating spaghetti and many other lessons.

We will all leave this earth one day. What heritage or legacy will you pass on? What memories will you leave for others? What are you teaching today. Is it a good example that you would want family to relive daily or in their dreams?

Have a great day.  God loves you!


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